

ILIT的目标是 避免包括在被保险人的总遗产一份典型的人寿保险单, the death benefit proceeds are includible in a decedent’s gross estate for estate tax purposes. IRC 2042. 进一步, 在密歇根, the cash value of a life insurance policy is not protected during the insured’s lifetime from the insured’s creditors. MCR 3.101(G)(1)(a) allows the garnishment of all tangible and intangible property belonging to a principal defendant which is in the possession of the garnishee defendant, 其中包括人寿保险的现金价值. 人寿保险的收益也不例外. 然而, a properly drafted and funded ILIT excludes the death benefit proceeds of a life insurance policy (held by the ILIT) from the insured’s gross estate for estate tax purposes upon the insured’s death, and the cash value of the life insurance policy is protected from the insured’s creditors during his or her lifetime.

谁需要ILIT ?
以应课税遗产投保: ILITs are typically used when the insured has a gross estate in excess of his or her federal estate tax exemption equivalent. In 2015, the federal estate tax exemption equivalent is $5,430,000.

被保险人涉及资产保护: Even for the insured who does not have a taxable estate, an ILIT can benefit those concerned with creditor protection. This includes those in a profession with malpractice liability (for example, 医生, 牙医, 会计师, 律师, 等.), business owners, and those who are highly leveraged.

ILIT的控制:避免被保险人遗产的遗产税, there must be certain restrictions on the insured’s access to and control over the life insurance policy during the insured’s lifetime. The ILIT must be crafted such that the insured does not possess or retain any incidents of ownership over the policy, or possess any powers over the ILIT or the trustee that would result in the ILIT assets and death benefit proceeds being included in the insured’s gross estate for estate tax purposes. An ILIT must be drafted in such a way as to not give the insured the power to:

  • 变更受益人;
  • 退保或取消保单;
  • 转让保单或撤销转让;
  • 以保单质押贷款;
  • 以保单为抵押借款;
  • Change the time or manner of enjoyment of the policy; or
  • Holding a reversionary interest in the policy or proceeds greater than 5%.

三年转会规则: If an existing life insurance policy is transferred to an ILIT, the death benefit proceeds are includible in the insured’s estate for 3 years from the date of the transfer. IRC 2035. This can be avoided by having the ILIT purchase the policy for actual cash value (full consideration).

利用商品及服务税及赠与税豁免: An ILIT allows the insured to leverage the use of his or her GST and gift tax exemptions because these exemptions need only be allocated to the premiums paid. Allocation of GST and gift tax exemption to these gifts will fully exempt the full death benefit proceeds received on the policy from estate tax and GST tax.

不可撤销的缺点: The irrevocability of an ILIT can limit the flexibility of the policy and its uses, 特别是在被保险人的一生中. 进一步, the insured may be concerned with irrevocably naming beneficiaries of their estate and the terms for inheritance.

受托人: It is permissible for the insured’s spouse to serve as trustee without causing estate tax inclusion in either of their estates. 另外, careful drafting should be taken to not trigger inclusion by giving the insured the unfettered right to remove and replace the trustee. Limiting trustee replacement to a professional trustee or an individual who is not related or subordinate to the insured under IRC 672(c) would be best.

避免相互信任: Reciprocal trusts created by spouses for each other result in estate tax inclusion under IRC 2036. To avoid this rule, the dispositive terms of the trusts must contain meaningful differences. Areas to consider having meaningful differences include selection of trustees, 分配标准和时间安排, 分配给受益人的年龄, 终身委任权和遗嘱委任权, 以及允许的受益人.

支付保费: Typically an ILIT will only own an insurance policy. When premiums become due, the ILIT must generate the cash to pay the premium. 以避免列入遗产税, it is critical that the insured not pay the premiums directly to the insurance company. The insured may, however, make cash gifts to the ILIT so that the 信任ee may pay the premiums. Contributions to the trust should be from a non-beneficiary to avoid estate taxation under 2036 (transfer with a retained life estate). 因此, if husband creates an ILIT for the benefit of his wife and children, he should write a check from an account in his name alone, 而且不是用联名账户.